زیرنویس فارسی سریال Fluttering Warning
چا وون هیون (چون جونگ میونگ) یه مرد جذاب و متخصصص پوست هست که اعتقادی به عشق نداره. او با یوون یو جونگ (یون اون هه) که یه بازیگر مشهوره آشنا میشه. این دو به دلیل رسوایی به وجود اومده مجبور میشوند با هم یک قرار بذارند که وانمود کنند عاشق هم هستند.
A dermatologist, Cha Woo Hyun is extremely popular with women, but he doesn’t have much interest in dating. Yoon Yo Jung is a famous actress, who hasn’t been able to date another man since rumors started to spread 15 years ago. By mere coincidence, they decide to establish a contract in which they decide to “pretend” to others that they are dating and in love with each other.A dermatologist, Cha Woo Hyun is extremely popular with women, but he doesn’t have much interest in dating. Yoon Yo Jung is a famous actress, who hasn’t been able to date another man since rumors started to spread 15 years ago. By mere coincidence, they decide to establish a contract in which they decide to “pretend” to others that they are dating and in love with each other.A dermatologist, Cha Woo Hyun is extremely popular with women, but he doesn’t have much interest in dating. Yoon Yo Jung is a famous actress, who hasn’t been able to date another man since rumors started to spread 15 years ago. By mere coincidence, they decide to establish a contract in which they decide to “pretend” to others that they are dating and in love with each other.
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