زیرنویس فارسی سریال Tawan Deard

زیرنویس فارسی سریال Tawan Deard

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زیرنویس فارسی سریال Tawan Deard

پس از کشتار در مزرعه فارونگ در شهر پو پراکان، فوپا و یوسا، صاحب مزرعه کشته میشن. تاوان، تنها پسر اوناس که جون سالم به در میبره و با سارو، بهترین دوست فوپا، فرار میکنه. سارو معتقده کسی که پشت این کشتاره ساکدا، شریک تجاری فوپاس که میخواد مزرعه فارونگ رو متعلق به خودش کنه. سارو، تاوان رو از کشته شدن نجات میده و اون رو تبدیل به یه مبارز شجاع مانند مثل خودش میکنه. بعد تاوان رو دوباره به مزرعه فارونگ میفرسته تا در مورد رمز و راز مرگ خانوادش متوجه بشه و انتقام بگیره.

زیرنویس فارسی سریال Tawan Deard After the massacre at Fah Roong Farm in Phu Prakarn city, Phupa and Usa, the owner of the farm are killed. There’s Tawan, their only son who survived and escaped with Saroj, Phupa’s best friend.Saroj believes the manipulator of this massacre is Sakda, Phupa’s business partner who wants to seize Fah Roong Farm.Tawan Deard Saroj takes Tawan to escape from the hunt and raises him up to be a brave fighter like him. He sends Tawan back to Fah Roong Farm again to find out about the mystery of his family’s death and avenge them.On the way, Tawan meets Singh, who becomes his new friend. Tawan decides to change his name to be Suer, so that it will be easier to disguise himself to work in Fah Roong Farm. Tawan Deard Unfortunately, he finds out that Sakda had problems with Por Liang Jaran,the most influential person in Phu Prakarn, and he has fled to hide himself. Tawan Deard  Sakda leaves Fah Roong Farm in the hands of his 2 daughters, PetchRoong and Ploykhwan to take care of.

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