دانلود سریال Re Follower 2019
شایعه ای پخش می شود که کورشیدا قادر به حل مشکلات مردم است.به همین دلیل محبوبیت کورشیدا در رسانه های اجتماعی منفجر می شود.كورشیدا در واقع توسط دوستان خود هیتومی ، یوساكو ، توموكی و كیمیتو تشکیل شده است ، اما مردم از هویت فردی آنها بی خبر هستند.هر روز 4 عضو كورشیدا در كتابخانه محل كار توموكی جمع می شوند.آنها مشتریانی را در میان افرادی که مشکلات خود ارسال کرده اند ، انتخاب می کنند ، اطلاعاتی راجع به آن شخص جمع می کنند و برای حل مشکلاتشان تلاش می کنند.
A rumor spreads that Kureshida is able to solve people’s problems. Because of this, Kureshida’s popularity on social media explodes. Kureshida actually consists of its leader Hitomi, Yusaku, Tomoki and Kimito, but the public is unaware of their individual identities. Every day, the 4 members of Kureshida gather at the library where Tomoki works. They select a client among the people who have sent in their stories, collect information about that person and try to solve their problems.A rumor spreads that Kureshida is able to solve people’s problems. Because of this, Kureshida’s popularity on social media explodes. Kureshida actually consists of its leader Hitomi, Yusaku, Tomoki and Kimito, but the public is unaware of their individual identities. Every day, the 4 members of Kureshida gather at the library where Tomoki works. They select a client among the people who have sent in their stories, collect information about that person and try to solve their problems.A rumor spreads that Kureshida is able to solve people’s problems. Because of this, Kureshida’s popularity on social media explodes. Kureshida actually consists of its leader Hitomi, Yusaku, Tomoki and Kimito, but the public is unaware of their individual identities. Every day, the 4 members of Kureshida gather at the library where Tomoki works. They select a client among the people who have sent in their stories, collect information about that person and try to solve their problems.
دانلود رایگان سریال ژاپنی Re Follower 2019
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