دانلود فیلم The Pirates The Last Royal Treasure 2022
یک خدمه شجاع از دزدان دریایی و راهزنان در نبرد با دریای مواج و طوفانی، سرنخ های مبهم و رقبای سرسخت، به جستجوی گنجینه گمشده دریا می روند…
Join the adventure of a ship of murderous but merry misfits as they troll the deep blue sea for sunken treasure belonging to the royal family. Former bandit leader Woo Moo Chi and his right-hand man Kang Seob prefer a life aboard ship. Captain Hae Rang and her motley crew set sail to lay claim to the bounty only to face some unwelcomed competition from Bu Heung Soo. Join the adventure of a ship of murderous but merry misfits as they troll the deep blue sea for sunken treasure belonging to the royal family. Former bandit leader Woo Moo Chi and his right-hand man Kang Seob prefer a life aboard ship. Captain Hae Rang and her motley crew set sail to lay claim to the bounty only to face some unwelcomed competition from Bu Heung Soo. Join the adventure of a ship of murderous but merry misfits as they troll the deep blue sea for sunken treasure belonging to the royal family. Former bandit leader Woo Moo Chi and his right-hand man Kang Seob prefer a life aboard ship. Captain Hae Rang and her motley crew set sail to lay claim to the bounty only to face some unwelcomed competition from Bu Heung Soo.
دانلود فیلم کره ای The Pirates The Last Royal Treasure 2022
فیلم کره ای دزدان دریایی: آخرین گنج سلطنتی
**** سافت ساب فارسی ****
**** هاردساب فارسی اضافه شد ****
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