دانلود سریال Love You 3000 Times 2024
پس از یک تصادف رانندگی، شن شینگ چن با انتقال روح خود به سه سال آینده، توی بدن برادر دوقلویش، خه یو چوان، بیدار میشه. الان با هویت جعلی زندگی میکنه و معشوق سابقش، جیانگ مو یی مدام اون رو مورد آزمایش قرار میده. در حالی که اونا برای کشف حقیقت پشت حادثه و افشای توطئه عمیقتر با هم کار میکنن، داستان عاشقانه اونا آغاز جدیدی پیدا میکنه.
After a car accident, Shen Xing Chen awakens to find his soul transported three years into the future, inhabiting the body of his twin brother, He Yu Chuan. Now living under a false identity, he faces constant tests from his former lover, Jiang Mu Yi. As they work together to uncover the truth behind the accident and reveal a deeper conspiracy, their love story finds a new beginning. After a car accident, Shen Xing Chen awakens to find his soul transported three years into the future, inhabiting the body of his twin brother, He Yu Chuan. Now living under a false identity, he faces constant tests from his former lover, Jiang Mu Yi. As they work together to uncover the truth behind the accident and reveal a deeper conspiracy, their love story finds a new beginning. After a car accident, Shen Xing Chen awakens to find his soul transported three years into the future, inhabiting the body of his twin brother, He Yu Chuan. Now living under a false identity, he faces constant tests from his former lover, Jiang Mu Yi. As they work together to uncover the truth behind the accident and reveal a deeper conspiracy, their love story finds a new beginning. After a car accident, Shen Xing Chen awakens to find his soul transported three years into the future, inhabiting the body of his twin brother, He Yu Chuan. Now living under a false identity, he faces constant tests from his former lover, Jiang Mu Yi. As they work together to uncover the truth behind the accident and reveal a deeper conspiracy, their love story finds a new beginning.
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