دانلود سریال Men Are Men 2020
این سریال ماجرای سئو هیون جو (Hwang Jung-Eum) را روایت میکند ، زنی که در گذشته بخاطر شکست عشقی تلخی که میخورد ، تصمیم میگیرد دیگر هیچ وقت ازدواج نکرده و وارد هیچ رابطه عشقی نشود ، اما پس از آنکه این موضوع را اعلام میکند ، دو اعتراف عاشقانه دریافت میکند که زندگی او را دچار تغییر میکنند و…
This romantic comedy is about a woman who chooses to remain single after getting hurt from past relationships and a man who wants to change his relationship with this woman through love. The story will combine the theme of a past life with realistic topics such as marriage and remaining single.This romantic comedy is about a woman who chooses to remain single after getting hurt from past relationships and a man who wants to change his relationship with this woman through love. The story will combine the theme of a past life with realistic topics such as marriage and remaining single.This romantic comedy is about a woman who chooses to remain single after getting hurt from past relationships and a man who wants to change his relationship with this woman through love. The story will combine the theme of a past life with realistic topics such as marriage and remaining single.This romantic comedy is about a woman who chooses to remain single after getting hurt from past relationships and a man who wants to change his relationship with this woman through love. The story will combine the theme of a past life with realistic topics such as marriage and remaining single.This romantic comedy is about a woman who chooses to remain single after getting hurt from past relationships and a man who wants to change his relationship with this woman through love. The story will combine the theme of a past life with realistic topics such as marriage and remaining single.This romantic comedy is about a woman who chooses to remain single after getting hurt from past relationships and a man who wants to change his relationship with this woman through love. The story will combine the theme of a past life with realistic topics such as marriage and remaining single.
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**** سافت ساب فارسی کامل ****
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