دانلود فیلم New Normal 2022
در سئول سال 2024، شش غریبه در مراسم غذاخوری انفرادی شرکت میکنند که بهطور غیرمنتظرهای آنها را به قلمروی کابوسوار سوق میدهد، جایی که انزوا وحشتهای غیرقابل توصیفی را پرورش میدهد و برای همیشه زندگیشان را تغییر میدهد.
People face their fears hidden in their everyday life and their fears become part of their routine. Hyun Jung is a woman unable to smile. Hyun Soo is looking for a job and she wants to have a relationship. Hoon is a lonely university student. Ki Jin gives up on getting a job and he is in a shameless romance. Yeon Jin is working part-time at a convenience store and she hates people. Seung Jin is a middle school student who dreams of becoming a hero. These six people are connected by different cases. People face their fears hidden in their everyday life and their fears become part of their routine. Hyun Jung is a woman unable to smile. Hyun Soo is looking for a job and she wants to have a relationship. Hoon is a lonely university student. Ki Jin gives up on getting a job and he is in a shameless romance. Yeon Jin is working part-time at a convenience store and she hates people. Seung Jin is a middle school student who dreams of becoming a hero. These six people are connected by different cases. People face their fears hidden in their everyday life and their fears become part of their routine. Hyun Jung is a woman unable to smile. Hyun Soo is looking for a job and she wants to have a relationship. Hoon is a lonely university student. Ki Jin gives up on getting a job and he is in a shameless romance. Yeon Jin is working part-time at a convenience store and she hates people. Seung Jin is a middle school student who dreams of becoming a hero. These six people are connected by different cases.
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