دانلود سریال A Tale of Love and Loyalty 2024
زمانی که امپراتور مریضه و ولیعهد هنوز جوونه، ارتش شورشی به سمت دروازههای شهر حرکت می کنه. کشور و خانواده ی دختر قصهی ما درحال فروپاشیه، بنابراین به شاهزاده نان چوآن نامه میزنه تا ازش کمک بخواد و قول میده تا زمانی که اون، ارتشش رو برای مداخله بفرسته، هرکاری در ازاش انجام بده. شاهزاده از راه میرسه و نه تنها شوهر و بچهاش رو نجات میده، بلکه خودش هم نجات میده. با وجود دوری کردنش، شاهزاده دلش نمیاد بهش آسیب بزنه. اما هنوزم در ازای کمکهاش شرط داره. آرزو و خواسته اش تاج و تخت نیست، بلکه عشق و علاقه ی یه نفره.
With the Emperor ailing and the Crown Prince still young, the rebel army marches towards the city gates. As her country and family are teetering on the brink of disaster, she writes to implore the Prince of Nanchuan for help, promising anything in return as long as he sends his army to intervene. He eventually arrives, saving not just her husband and child, but her own self. Despite her aloofness, he hesitates to hurt her. Yet, his aid comes at a cost. His desire is not for the throne, but for one person’s love.With the Emperor ailing and the Crown Prince still young, the rebel army marches towards the city gates. As her country and family are teetering on the brink of disaster, she writes to implore the Prince of Nanchuan for help, promising anything in return as long as he sends his army to intervene. He eventually arrives, saving not just her husband and child, but her own self. Despite her aloofness, he hesitates to hurt her. Yet, his aid comes at a cost. His desire is not for the throne, but for one person’s love.With the Emperor ailing and the Crown Prince still young, the rebel army marches towards the city gates. As her country and family are teetering on the brink of disaster, she writes to implore the Prince of Nanchuan for help, promising anything in return as long as he sends his army to intervene. He eventually arrives, saving not just her husband and child, but her own self. Despite her aloofness, he hesitates to hurt her. Yet, his aid comes at a cost. His desire is not for the throne, but for one person’s love.
دانلود سریال چینی A Tale of Love and Loyalty 2024
سریال چینی داستان عشق و وفاداری
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