دانلود سریال Avatar: The Last Airbender
پسر جوانی که به نام آواتار شناخته می شود باید برای نجات جهان بر چهار قدرت اصلی تسلط پیدا کند و با دشمنی که قصد دارد او را متوقف کند مبارزه کند.
A young boy known as the Avatar must master the four elemental powers to save the world, and fight against an enemy bent on stopping him.A young boy known as the Avatar must master the four elemental powers to save the world, and fight against an enemy bent on stopping him.A young boy known as the Avatar must master the four elemental powers to save the world, and fight against an enemy bent on stopping him.A young boy known as the Avatar must master the four elemental powers to save the world, and fight against an enemy bent on stopping him.A young boy known as the Avatar must master the four elemental powers to save the world, and fight against an enemy bent on stopping him.A young boy known as the Avatar must master the four elemental powers to save the world, and fight against an enemy bent on stopping him.A young boy known as the Avatar must master the four elemental powers to save the world, and fight against an enemy bent on stopping him.A young boy known as the Avatar must master the four elemental powers to save the world, and fight against an enemy bent on stopping him.A young boy known as the Avatar must master the four elemental powers to save the world, and fight against an enemy bent on stopping him.A young boy known as the Avatar must master the four elemental powers to save the world, and fight against an enemy bent on stopping him.A young boy known as the Avatar must master the four elemental powers to save the world, and fight against an enemy bent on stopping him.A young boy known as the Avatar must master the four elemental powers to save the world, and fight against an enemy bent on stopping him.
سلام وقتتون بخیر ممنون از سایت فوق العاده اتون ببخشید من کیفیک ۱۰۸۰ رو دان کردم با ام ایکس پلیر قشنگ باز نمیشه تصویر دیر میاد صدا هی قطع و وصلمیشه با ناهمخوانی زیرنویس رو با عقب جلو دریت میکنم اما تصویر و صدا اذیته هم قسمت یک اینشکلیه هم قسمت چیکار کنم
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نسخه های قرار گرفته به صورت سافت ساب میباشد. یعنی زیرنویس روی خود سریال هستش. وقتی سریال پخش کردین از تنظیمات پخش کننده خودتون نمایش زیرنویس فعال کنید.
از پخش کننده هایی مثل MXplayer یا KMplayer استفاده کنید.
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