دانلود سریال Ex Friend & Boss 2023
لیائو یون چنگ و تانگ نیان، دوستان دوران کودکی، در دوران دانشگاه عاشق یکدیگر شدند اما به دلیل سوء تفاهم بین آنها از هم جدا شدند. سالها بعد، سرنوشت آنها را دوباره به هم پیوند داد تا دنیایشان را دور از هم بیابند. شرکت تانگ نیان توسط شرکت لیائو یون ژنگ خریداری شد و آنها را مجبور به همکار شدن کرد. لیائو یون چنگ که متوجه شد تانگ نیان در تمام این سال ها مجرد مانده بود، تصمیم گرفت ماموریتی را برای به دست آوردن دوباره او آغاز کند.
Liao Yun Cheng and Tong Nian, childhood friends, fell in love during their university days but broke up due to misunderstandings between them. Years later, fate reunited them, only to find their worlds far apart. Tong Nian’s company was acquired by Liao Yun Xheng’s corporation, forcing them to become colleagues. Learning that Tong Nian had remained single all these years, Liao Yun Cheng decided to embark on a mission to win back his girlfriend. To avoid any misunderstandings, he created an online account to befriend Tong Nian and stood up to protect her whenever she faced crises or difficulties. Together, they navigated through workplace traps and sexual harassment issues and teamed up to defeat the antagonist. Ultimately, Liao Yun Cheng won back her heart, and the loving couple achieved a happy ending.Liao Yun Cheng and Tong Nian, childhood friends, fell in love during their university days but broke up due to misunderstandings between them. Years later, fate reunited them, only to find their worlds far apart. Tong Nian’s company was acquired by Liao Yun Xheng’s corporation, forcing them to become colleagues. Learning that Tong Nian had remained single all these years, Liao Yun Cheng decided to embark on a mission to win back his girlfriend. To avoid any misunderstandings, he created an online account to befriend Tong Nian and stood up to protect her whenever she faced crises or difficulties. Together, they navigated through workplace traps and sexual harassment issues and teamed up to defeat the antagonist. Ultimately, Liao Yun Cheng won back her heart, and the loving couple achieved a happy ending.
دانلود سریال چینی Ex Friend & Boss 2023
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