دانلود سریال Kingdom Ashin of the North 2021
این قسمت که اسپین آف فصل دوم سریال پادشاهی می باشد در مورد آشین، شخصیت مرموزی که گروه لی چانگ در سفر به سرزمین های شمالی با او روبرو شدند، می باشد…
A sidequel from Kingdom season two and a backstory about the mysterious character Lee Chang’s group encountered on their journey north to discover the origins of the infected. Ashin will unveil the mystery behind her identity. The new story will detail what had happened to Ashin in the past in the northern region and how the two characters’ fates intertwined.A sidequel from Kingdom season two and a backstory about the mysterious character Lee Chang’s group encountered on their journey north to discover the origins of the infected. Ashin will unveil the mystery behind her identity. The new story will detail what had happened to Ashin in the past in the northern region and how the two characters’ fates intertwined.A sidequel from Kingdom season two and a backstory about the mysterious character Lee Chang’s group encountered on their journey north to discover the origins of the infected. Ashin will unveil the mystery behind her identity. The new story will detail what had happened to Ashin in the past in the northern region and how the two characters’ fates intertwined.A sidequel from Kingdom season two and a backstory about the mysterious character Lee Chang’s group encountered on their journey north to discover the origins of the infected. Ashin will unveil the mystery behind her identity. The new story will detail what had happened to Ashin in the past in the northern region and how the two characters’ fates intertwined.
دانلود سریال کره ای Kingdom Ashin of the North 2021
سریال کره ای پادشاهی: آشین شمالی
**** سافت ساب فارسی کامل ****
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سلام بله مرتبط هستن،این اسپین آف هم ببینید متوجه کل داستان دو فصل سریال میشین. خییییییییییلی سریال قشنگیه اگه ببینید میگید که ای کاش زودتر میدیدید
شدیدا پیشنهاد میشه
سلام .کسی که سریال پادشاهی رو ندیده میتون این فیلم رو نگاه کنه به هم مرتبط هستن یا نه
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