دانلود سریال Love Andante 2024
پس از اعلام پایان جنگ توسط کره جنوبی و شمالی بعد از 70 سال، پروژه دهکده صلح در گوسونگ، منطقه مرزی دو کشور، اجرا می شود. ایم جو هیونگ یک پیانیست از سئول و هانا گیونگ دکتر داروساز از پیونگ یانگ، دو نفر از ساکنین این دهکده خواهند بود…
A drama set in the background of South and North Korea implementing the Peace Village Project in the Goseong DMZ after South and North Korea declared an end to the war after 70 years since the Korean War.A drama set in the background of South and North Korea implementing the Peace Village Project in the Goseong DMZ after South and North Korea declared an end to the war after 70 years since the Korean War.A drama set in the background of South and North Korea implementing the Peace Village Project in the Goseong DMZ after South and North Korea declared an end to the war after 70 years since the Korean War.A drama set in the background of South and North Korea implementing the Peace Village Project in the Goseong DMZ after South and North Korea declared an end to the war after 70 years since the Korean War.A drama set in the background of South and North Korea implementing the Peace Village Project in the Goseong DMZ after South and North Korea declared an end to the war after 70 years since the Korean War.A drama set in the background of South and North Korea implementing the Peace Village Project in the Goseong DMZ after South and North Korea declared an end to the war after 70 years since the Korean War.A drama set in the background of South and North Korea implementing the Peace Village Project in the Goseong DMZ after South and North Korea declared an end to the war after 70 years since the Korean War.A drama set in the background of South and North Korea implementing the Peace Village Project in the Goseong DMZ after South and North Korea declared an end to the war after 70 years since the Korean War.
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