دانلود سریال Miss Buyer 2022
دینگ یی کی توی روابط عاطفیش به مشکل بر میخوره و توی کارش هم شکست میخوره اما اون توی یه برنامه شرکت میکنه که بتونه خودشو ثابت کنه و اینطوری شغلی بدست میاره که اصلا با اون کار، آشنایی نداره.
A story that follows a Shanghai drifter who works her way up the ladder to become an accomplished buyer. Ding Yi Ke has been down in luck. Despite the fact that she isn’t getting any younger, she experiences failures in love and in the workplace. She joins a reality show to prove herself and lands a job at a profession that is completely foreign to her. As a rookie buyer, she clashes with fashion extraordinaire Zhao Mo Yuan. They become instant frenemies but the trials they encounter eventually pave the way for them to find their place in the industry.A story that follows a Shanghai drifter who works her way up the ladder to become an accomplished buyer. Ding Yi Ke has been down in luck. Despite the fact that she isn’t getting any younger, she experiences failures in love and in the workplace. She joins a reality show to prove herself and lands a job at a profession that is completely foreign to her. As a rookie buyer, she clashes with fashion extraordinaire Zhao Mo Yuan. They become instant frenemies but the trials they encounter eventually pave the way for them to find their place in the industry.
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سریال چینی خانوم خریدار
**** زیرنویس فارسی کامل ****
**** هاردساب فارسی کامل ****
**** ترجمه اختصاصی دراما دی ال ****
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