دانلود سریال Private Bodyguard 2024
چهار برادر جوان که به چهار شاهزاده معروف هستند، وقتی پدرشان دختری یتیم به نام فلی را به فرزندی قبول می کند که اغلب در مدرسه با او می جنگند، شگفت زده می شوند.
Four young brothers, known as the Four Princes, are surprised when their father adopts an orphan girl named Fely, who they often fight at school.Four young brothers, known as the Four Princes, are surprised when their father adopts an orphan girl named Fely, who they often fight at school.Four young brothers, known as the Four Princes, are surprised when their father adopts an orphan girl named Fely, who they often fight at school.Four young brothers, known as the Four Princes, are surprised when their father adopts an orphan girl named Fely, who they often fight at school.Four young brothers, known as the Four Princes, are surprised when their father adopts an orphan girl named Fely, who they often fight at school.Four young brothers, known as the Four Princes, are surprised when their father adopts an orphan girl named Fely, who they often fight at school.Four young brothers, known as the Four Princes, are surprised when their father adopts an orphan girl named Fely, who they often fight at school.Four young brothers, known as the Four Princes, are surprised when their father adopts an orphan girl named Fely, who they often fight at school.Four young brothers, known as the Four Princes, are surprised when their father adopts an orphan girl named Fely, who they often fight at school.Four young brothers, known as the Four Princes, are surprised when their father adopts an orphan girl named Fely, who they often fight at school.Four young brothers, known as the Four Princes, are surprised when their father adopts an orphan girl named Fely, who they often fight at school.
دانلود سریال Private Bodyguard 2024
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قشنگ بود
من نمیدونم دقیقاً نامزد برنده چه جایزه ای شده ؛ کلاً که هر قسمتش به زور یک ریع بیست دقیقه میشد ، یکم خواسته بودن ادای پسران فراتر از گل رو دربیارن ، تهشم که اصغر فرهادی طور تموم شد ! واسه وقت تلف کنی پیشنهاد خوبیه
یه سوال
عاشقونه ام داره یا فقط داستان توی خلاصه ش چرخیده؟
قسمت ۴ چرا زیرنویس نداره؟
نسخه جدید اضافه شد
خیلیییییییییی قشنگه. مشتاقانه منتظر فصل بعد
کسی میدونه کی فصل بعدی پخش میشه؟
سلام چرا بقیه قسمت هاشو نمیزارید ؟؟
سلام خسته نباشید سریال جواهر بخش ای بالا نمیاد چرا ؟حذشه؟
بزودی قعال خواهد شد
فصل دوهم داره؟
اره داره شهریور سال دیگه میا.
کی قسمت هاشومیزارید؟
لطفا بقیشم بزارید خیلی از قسمت هاش اومده من منتظرم که از سایت شما ببینم
سریال در حال ترجمه میباشد.
کی میزارید پس؟
سلام کی میاد سانسور شده است یانه نیازی به خرید اشتراک هست یانه
اشتراک ماهانه باید بخری و فیلم ها بدون سان خیالت راحت
بی صبرانه منتظرم