دانلود سریال Squid Game 2021
از 456 نفر که همگی در زندگی به مشکل خورده اند، دعوت شده تا در رقابتی به اسم “بازی ماهی مرکب” شرکت کنند. رقابتی که بر پایهی بازیهای کودکانهی قدیمی اما با پیچیدگیهای مرگ آور است و آنها باید برای به دست آوردن ۴۵.۶ میلیارد وون جایزهی نهایی جان خود را به خطر بیاندازند. جایزه ای که تنها به یک نفر تعلق خواهد گرفت …
Squid Game” depicts a story of people who decide to become the players of a mysterious survival game that has a whopping 40-million-dollar prize at stake. Ki Hoon, seems defeated by life after being fired from his job. He decides to join the survival game to win prize money. Sang Woo, is Ki Hoon’s childhood friend and he also joins the game as he gets in trouble at work despite all the hard work he has done to be where he is at now. “Squid Game” is the name of a street game Ki Hoon and Sang Woo played together when they were young. It’s quite a physical game that only ends when there’s a final winner, much like the survival game they play now. It’s named as such because players are to draw different geometric shapes on the ground, which, as a whole, look like a squid.Squid Game” depicts a story of people who decide to become the players of a mysterious survival game that has a whopping 40-million-dollar prize at stake. Ki Hoon, seems defeated by life after being fired from his job. He decides to join the survival game to win prize money. Sang Woo, is Ki Hoon’s childhood friend and he also joins the game as he gets in trouble at work despite all the hard work he has done to be where he is at now. “Squid Game” is the name of a street game Ki Hoon and Sang Woo played together when they were young.
دانلود سریال کره ای Squid Game 2021
سریال کره ای بازی ماهی مرکب
**** ساب فارسی کامل ****
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