دانلود سریال The Qin Empire 2 2012
داستان این سریال در اواسط قرن چهارم قبل از میلاد و در دوره کشورهای متخاصم چین درجریان است. در سال 338 قبل از میلاد، یینگ سی (حاکم خوای ون) جانشین پدرش، یینگ چولیانگ (ارباب شیائو) حاکم استان چین می شود.پس از به قدرت رسیدنش، از شر شانگ یانگ که از او کینه شخصی دارد،خلاص می شود، اما اصلاحات سیاسی-اجتماعی انجام شده توسط پدرش و شانگ یانگ در دو دهه گذشته را حفظ می کند.
It romanticizes the events in China during the Warring States period primarily from the perspective of the Qin state during the reigns of King Huiwen and King Wu. During the Warring States period, Qin state ruler Duke Xiao recruits statesman Shang Yang to help enact bold reforms that transform Western China.It romanticizes the events in China during the Warring States period primarily from the perspective of the Qin state during the reigns of King Huiwen and King Wu. During the Warring States period, Qin state ruler Duke Xiao recruits statesman Shang Yang to help enact bold reforms that transform Western China.It romanticizes the events in China during the Warring States period primarily from the perspective of the Qin state during the reigns of King Huiwen and King Wu. During the Warring States period, Qin state ruler Duke Xiao recruits statesman Shang Yang to help enact bold reforms that transform Western China.It romanticizes the events in China during the Warring States period primarily from the perspective of the Qin state during the reigns of King Huiwen and King Wu. During the Warring States period, Qin state ruler Duke Xiao recruits statesman Shang Yang to help enact bold reforms that transform Western China.It romanticizes the events in China during the Warring States period primarily from the perspective of the Qin state during the reigns of King Huiwen and King Wu. During the Warring States period, Qin state ruler Duke Xiao recruits statesman Shang Yang to help enact bold reforms that transform Western China.
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