دانلود سریال The Whirlwind 2024
نخست وزیر پارک دونگ هو با رئیس جمهور فاسدی که با چائبول ها تبانی می کند مبارزه می کند. معاون نخست وزیر جونگ سو جین با او روبرو می شود و جرقه یک مبارزه سیاسی شدید برای تغییر سیاست کره جنوبی شروع می شود.
Park Dong Ho is the prime minister of South Korea. He wants to punish the corrupt president, who colludes with powerful family owned corporations called chaebols, and change the world of politics. Jung Soo Jin is the deputy prime minister for economic affairs. She confronts Park Dong Ho and a fierce political strife ensues.Park Dong Ho is the prime minister of South Korea. He wants to punish the corrupt president, who colludes with powerful family owned corporations called chaebols, and change the world of politics. Jung Soo Jin is the deputy prime minister for economic affairs. She confronts Park Dong Ho and a fierce political strife ensues.Park Dong Ho is the prime minister of South Korea. He wants to punish the corrupt president, who colludes with powerful family owned corporations called chaebols, and change the world of politics. Jung Soo Jin is the deputy prime minister for economic affairs. She confronts Park Dong Ho and a fierce political strife ensues.Park Dong Ho is the prime minister of South Korea. He wants to punish the corrupt president, who colludes with powerful family owned corporations called chaebols, and change the world of politics. Jung Soo Jin is the deputy prime minister for economic affairs. She confronts Park Dong Ho and a fierce political strife ensues.Park Dong Ho is the prime minister of South Korea. He wants to punish the corrupt president, who colludes with powerful family owned corporations called chaebols, and change the world of politics. Jung Soo Jin is the deputy prime minister for economic affairs. She confronts Park Dong Ho and a fierce political strife ensues.Park Dong Ho is the prime minister of South Korea. He wants to punish the corrupt president, who colludes with powerful family owned corporations called chaebols, and change the world of politics. Jung Soo Jin is the deputy prime minister for economic affairs. She confronts Park Dong Ho and a fierce political strife ensues.
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